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Friday Win Your Week: From Impossible 2 I’mpossible, Train 2 Achieve Your Impossible


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Inclus Vice President & Global Talent at Eastman Chemical Company Eryn O’Brien on her journey for training How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. Take the plunge. Trust yourself and take action to get to your I’mpossible. What are you doing to generate forward momentum toward your goals? The leap of faith also comes with intentional training and planning in order to set yourself and others up for success throughout your journey. PREPARAT10N is essential to ensure smooth transitions and reaching your desired outcome. 

  2. How can we prevent burnout? Energy Management is essential to finding what feeds our reusable energy as humans. Energy is a limited resource, just as are trees in nature. If we cut down all of our trees to use as energy, we will run out of our resources very quickly. Humans are the same way; we need to treat our energy as limited and conserve it as much as possible. 

  3. Flip the script in the way you speak to yourself. Are you using “What would happen if I did…?” or, “I can’t do this because…” Being able to switch your perspective of self-talk will allow you to overcome performance barriers and go for what you want. 

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Friday Win Your Week: From Impossible 2 I’mpossible, Train 2 Achieve Your Impossible


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Sarah Zipp, Deputy Sports Director for Sport Studies and developer of Power to Play, Period.



  1. Period products are a big part of the conversation on menstruation but education is where it starts. How can you engage coaches with resources to have and start these kinds of conversations?

  2. How is the female body working physiologically during a menstrual cycle? You can look at 4 phases: menstruation, follicular phase, luteal phase and pre-menstruaration. What is valued of emotional management during these times? How does this apply to us desiring to be high performers? Focusing on hydration, nutrition and rest can help find balance.

  3. What might performance berries look like? As women we tend to care for others over ourselves, but finding time to prioritize yourself is important. Routine and education implementation is important with success for women. 

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Friday Win Your Week: From Impossible 2 I’mpossible, Train 2 Achieve Your Impossible


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Women in High Performance Sport Manager Helene Wilson on her journey for training How 2 Achieve Your Impossible



  1. Be vulnerable and okay with learning experientially. It’s okay to not be okay. Are you intentional with your choices and how you react to their results? Every experience holds an opportunity to learn and grow from, regardless of how the situation turned out. Give yourself permission to own what you feel and accept the consequences of your choices.

  2. Influence those around you in a positive manner. Recognize how to communicate up, across, and down within the structure of your organization. Are your interactions succinct and purposeful? Ensure those around you know that their time is valuable and you want to invest it wisely. 

  3. Step into the boiling water. Are you being brave when unfamiliar situations arise? Oftentimes, when you put yourself in these scenarios, you discover your ultimate strengths you never could have found otherwise. 

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Friday Win Your Week: From Impossible 2 I’mpossible, Train 2 Achieve Your Impossible


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Members from CHAMP10N Professional Volleyball Team Las Pinkin de Corozal: Head Coach Ángel Perez and his players Raymariely Santos, Brittany Abercrombie, Daly Santana, and Ronika Stone, on their journey for training How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. Trust the process. It will not always be easy; if difficulties or failures did not occur, you would not grow or learn. Are you focusing on what really matters to you? How are you doing so? Anchor in the purpose bigger than yourself.

  2. Nobody gets to decide your Possible except for you. What is your Impossible? How are you going to change it to your I’mpossible? The more you realize you have the ability to make decisions for yourself, the more you will achieve in your life. What are your desired outcomes? Nothing is impossible.

  3. Play to win, not to not lose. Pressure is a privilege, whether you are putting it on yourself or others are putting it onto you. Are you putting your team about yourself? Anchor in the Power of Team to play to win and thrive in the competitive environment.

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INTENT10NAL Training Workout - How a Chief Wellbeing Officer® (CWO) Trains Your Company Team 2 Win Wellbeing


Join Carlette Patterson and Jane Cebrynski on our INTENT10NAL Training Workout - How a Chief Wellbeing Officer® (CWO) Trains Your Company Team 2 Win Wellbeing, with Podcast Guest Sarah Shepard, COO of Stringcan Interactive



  1. The Power of Coaching. You have to want to change in order for the tools and techniques of coaching to work, just as if you are learning a new skill. Is wellbeing critical to a happy, healthy, productive team? What are you doing to honor that truth?

  2. Do you love the idea of growing and evolving your company and yourself? Do you care about your employees as whole-beings and the company culture you are creating? Chief Wellbeing Officers® align with brands who have the desired outcome of training to be their best, three dimensionally; personally, professionally, and philanthropically. 

  3. Take ownership of your wellbeing. How are you leading your team? Are you living your 10 life? What are you investing in to reach your goals as a company? 

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 Impossible to I'mpossible-  

Train 2 Achieve your Impossible


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Members from CHAMP10N Professional Volleyball Team Las Pinkin de Corozal: Head Coach Ángel Perez and his players Raymariely Santos, Brittany Abercrombie, Daly Santana, and Ronika Stone, on their journey for training How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. What is your DEFINIT10N of being on a team? A team means being a part of something bigger than yourself. What is your Power of Purpose within your team? How are you giving back to your team?

  2. As a coach, are you authentically caring about your players? Are you focused on helping them achieve their goals as both an athlete and a person? What kind of culture are you bringing to your team and how are they receiving it?

  3. It takes courage to share your truth. How does your team receive your vulnerability? Are you creating a culture of security and trust through your words and actions?

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Train 2 Achieve your Impossible-

How a Chief Wellbeing Officer® (CWO) Trains Your Company Team 2 Win Wellbeing 


Join Carlette Patterson and Jane Cebrynski on our INTENT10NAL Training Workout - How a Chief Wellbeing Officer® (CWO) Trains Your Company Team 2 Win Wellbeing



  1. How can we prevent burnout in our employees? Working for a company does not have to be unbearable; in fact, it should be enjoyable and fun. Discover creative ways to address what employees need in their 3D Life to Win Wellbeing. What are you investing in to take your culture to the next level?

  2. How are you staying true to your commitments? Start to be comfortable with vulnerability. Challenge yourself to surpass the fear and foster a culture of trust and openness. Are you leading by example?

  3. What is your DEFINIT10N of Wellbeing- Personally, Professionally, and Philanthropically? Company culture often neglects incorporating the personal aspect of wellbeing into daily conversations. In order to peak perform, we must show up a 10. What are winning strategies to raise your stat if you are not a 10?

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 InTENtional Training- 

Train 2 Achieve your Impossible


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Barret Michalec, Director of ASU’s Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research (CAIPER) and Associate Professor at the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, on the journey to training How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. Break your day into 30 minute time blocks. How are you winning your 30 minutes? What is your stat on how you spent your 30 minute golden nugget? Be intentional with what you invest your time in and show up a 10.

  2. Be honest and transparent with yourself. In reality, what can you do within your 30 minute blocks? If it takes longer and you are not honest with yourself, it will drain your energy. Are you managing your energy by investing it in outcomes that will get you to your 10?

  3. Think of your 10 Moments. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being fabulous, what are the moments in time you feel are a 10? These give you great focus and anchor you in your best memories. These can often be things we take for granted or happen every day. Give your 10 Moment a name to bring it altogether. 

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 InTENtional Training- 

Train 2 Achieve your Impossible


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Ángel Perez, Head Coach of Las Pinkin de Corozal and Former Professional Volleyball Player, on the journey to training How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. The Power of Team. Who are you bringing in to help set you and your team up for success? What are your desired outcomes and who can help you reach those goals? Be honest with yourself; asking for help is a sign of strength.

  2. Embrace your failures. Reframe your perspective of failure as an opportunity to learn and get better. What lessons are you taking from failure and how are you creating actions to change?

  3. Know Your Why. What is your PASS10N? This will be your anchor when times get tough in the Infinite Game of Life. What is your WHY?

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 InTENtional Training- 

Train 2 Achieve your Impossible


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Professional Volleyball Players Brittany Abercrombie and Raymariely Santos on the journey to figure out How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. Reframe your thinking around anxiety. The new thinking: You wouldn’t be anxious about something that didn’t matter to you. If it is important to you, own the power of your anxiety by recognizing that you care.

  2. Part of being on a team is surrendering yourself and focusing on the we component. Focus on your why and anchor every choice you make in being for your team. Why are you doing what you are doing? Are you being for your team?

  3. Anchor in the Power of Team. This means being vulnerable and trusting yourself in the process. What are your winning strategies for using the Power of Team? 

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 InTENtional Training- 

Know Your How


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Certified CHAMP10N Sports Life Coach® Jane Cebrynski on the journey to figure out How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. How does INTENT10NAL Training help us own our PROFESS10NAL Wellbeing? Anchor in your Why. Just Doing can feel empty without the purpose and passion components. What goal are you trying to achieve? How are you investing your currency of time and is it alignment with that goal?

  2. How can you find your HOW? Start with your truth. Honor yourself vs. incorporating judgment or negative self-talk. What are you willing to do to actually achieve your goals? 

  3. Add an accountability piece. Who is on your support team? How can they help hold you accountable to your commitments you made to yourself? 


 InTENtional Training- 

Know Your Why


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Certified CHAMP10N Sports Life Coach® Jane Cebrynski on the journey to figure out How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. What is your Why? Anchoring in your Why is a huge driver for success. Are you willing to risk being your authentic self to go on your own journey of Impossible?

  2. Aligning your 3D Why’s takes intentional effort and choice. How will you go outside your comfort zone to continue moving forward towards this alignment? Watch Your Film: Reflect on what you want and what you are willing to do to get there.

  3. We are human. We make mistakes. Are you being vulnerable and honoring yourself when you face failure? Anchor in the Power of RELAT10NSHIPS to have a Support Team 2 Go 4 It!

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 InTENtional Training- 

Know Your When


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Certified CHAMP10N Sports Life Coach® Jane Cebrynski on the journey to figure out How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. What is your When? Are you a Lark, Third Bird, or an Owl? Use this to your advantage; during your peak energy levels, spend that time intentionally on tasks that require greater focus or are more challenging.

  2. Schedule your activities around your When using 30 minute blocks. If you have necessary tasks that do not align with your when, figure out Winning Strategies that help you be your best when your best is needed, or set boundaries. Use your When to work intentionally and B4 the Team.

  3. Use the Power of Rituals and Routines. What works for you? What doesn’t work for you? If a Performance Barrier shows up, find an ACT10N 2 Change.

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 InTENtional Training- 

Train 2 Achieve Your Impossible


Join Head Sports Life Coach® Carlette Patterson and Certified CHAMP10N Sports Life Coach® Jane Cebrynski on the journey to figure out How 2 Achieve Your Impossible.



  1. “If you don’t have time. You don’t have time.” Time Management is essential for living a 10 life. What are you investing your time in? Is it leading you to your 10?

  2. “Today it is a crazy idea. Tomorrow it is a BREAKTHROUGH.” Challenge Yourself 2 Be a CHAMP10N 4 Breakthroughs. What is your I’mpossible?

  3. “If it goes on your list, you’ve given your word to yourself.” Stick 2 Your Commitments. Are you being integritous to your word?

  4. Martha Beck explains in her new book, The Way of Integrity, that the word integrity originates from the Latin integer meaning “in tact” and therefore cementing the definition of integrity as “to be one thing, whole and undivided”. When we are not living a life of integrity, we are not being true to ourselves, nor the world.

©2020 by Chief Wellbeing Officer®

© 2020 by Patterson Sports Ventures

All rights reserved.  No portion of this content or graphics may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other – except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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